Sunday, April 04, 2010

Irish Open + Scoop + Summer Plans

Ok three topics to cover in this post.

Luck of the Irish

Number one I am currently sweating my girlfriend Jen Mason - or Jenny Mason as she has been referred to in her recent press appearances - in the Irish Open where she has an average stack with about 70 left.

Jen is a great player when she's on her game and her performances in Ireland have always been exceptional. She took down the Green Poker Joker tournament there a few years ago and she is something of an iconic figure in the emerald isle, attracting rail birds and interest wherever she travels over there.

In fact, in Vegas last year, I left a club one time with her, only to be accosted by a group of drunk Irish guys who immediately began chanting "JEN MASON...JEN MASON...JEN MASON" as we stumbled out of "Rain"(I think?) at the palms casino.

So surreal and yet hilarious!

Anyway she has a deseved shot at the €600k first prize in the Irish Open so COME ON JEN SHIPPPPPP ITTTT.

Update will come later.


We're almost at the time for the SCOOP. It's no great secret that my relatively small sample of tournaments on STARS has me as a net loser as per sharkscope but this is something I intend to rectify during the SCOOP.

My roll currently won't let me play any high stakes poker tournaments if I am to maintain my rigid, prudent - some would say "NIT-LIKE" - bankroll management. Lol

If I can ship a scoop though....and to be honest I am in good form and fancy my chances then maybe you'll see me in a few WSOP events in the summer.

Which brings me to my next point.


As per last year PokerListings have offered me the opportunity to work at the WSOP over the summer and although I hate missing english summers as it is the only time of year when the english weather is probably the best in the world - I just can't miss Vegas.

I was talking about it with Flushy recently and jsut mentioning all the great places to eat had my mouth watering. Vegas is great and the PokerListings pad should be in full effect again - so we'll have another great party or two there I'm sure.

Right before the summer, I'll also be covering EPT Monte Carlo for PL which will be exciting I'm sure. Monte Carlo's such a wierd place - so much money, every car is a super car. I think some people would be super impressed by all the exuberance and wealth on show. Personally I always think it's all a bit vulgar when people are having dick waving contests with their wallets - but for me the tournament, the great players and the drama of the event will be the big pull in Monte Carlo - not the big bucks.

Anyway that's it for now. Seeya soon kippers.

Fit or Fold

The latest installment of my incredible [ ] bi-monthly blog is here.

I guess at least I'm managing one a month which is somewhat consistant. There is some news to relate though so here's a quick re-cap of how things have been shaping up in catworld.

1. Trying to get fit. Yes, don't want to fall down the classic poker player route of just turning into some obese vegetable ekeing out a living whilst ordering chips and burgers from casino staff.

Instead I have implemented a new health regime that sees me attending the gym 3 times or more a week, eating fresh fruit and veg daily and cutting down on fat in my diet. I'll probably do a blog on how this is going in more depth at some point.

Slightly fell off the wagon in the last few days by going on the piss 3 days running and ploughing through 2 kebabs last night, but that was a somewhat unavoidable situation.

Normal service should be resumed shortly. Current weight = 13st 4lbs...aim to be down to 12.5 by the summer. Oh and I've given up smoking too. which is obviously tough but it feels great to have done so after 17 years of the filthy habit. Hooray!

2. A torrid period of tournaments where i was break even for a while on ipoker ended with a tourney win. Only a relatively smallish 7r comp but ship it nonetheless. Plus, being ipoker I get a virtual trophy and I f***ing love these things.

Here it is in all its glory. Brag post obv.

Much appreciated as I was starting to feel like I'd forgotten how to play on ipoker.

Fugu has gone well too and I've had a few decent results on there too.

Recently Fugu has changed name too-not sure the exact reasons for this - ie whether they have been bought up by a diff company or something but they are now known as "juicy stakes poker" - a pretty comical name underlined by the icon of the site being a spade that looks like a rib-eye steak.

I like their style tbh.

Anyway that's enough for now. I have a few more things to talk about but I'll leave them for the next post.

Laterz bitches. Here's my sharkscope complete with updated results. Still a pokerstars legend as you can see.